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FATE - Freedom of Action, Thought and Expression
Fate is dedicated to fighting to preserve Freedom of Speech, Activity, Thought and Expression on the .net and also in our everyday lives. Everywhere, the hand of Big Brother tyranny is crushing the life force from once free peoples and nations. FATE believes that free thought is an inherent right of our own folk - and right that is under attack from all sides - our governments; the European Union and the New World Order. We wish, on this site to highlight the tyranny of the anti-free speech laws throughout the world - most of which are directed against White Nationalists to stop them exercising their legal and truthful views. We welcome any input you can give..... "Freedom is Slavery" George Orwell in his novel of the future "1984" |
Freedom - Poem by Ian Stuart
You may wake up one morning And your life's been taken away And you think back on memories
And dreams of yesterday
And you may think life is okay
And you just keep struggling on
But your freedom's being stolen
So wake up before it's gone
And they're taking our Freedom away
They're stealing our Freedom away
They're taking our Freedom away
So listen closely to what I say
The words that you are saying
Could be taken as a crime
They're even find faults now
In the words of nursery rhymes
One group can't sell their records
Because the law is on their backs
Well we'll all be mindless prisoners
If we don't start fighting back
And they're taking our Freedom away
They're stealing our Freedom away
They're taking our Freedom away
So listen closely to what I say
The TV and the papers
Keep on saying "It's alright"
But they're controlled by the reapers
Of the dawn of endless nights
You may think I'm exaggerating
And you look down to the floor
But you'll realise and raise your eyes
As they're kicking down your door
FATE is not attached to any political party or group but we support any group that is fighting for the rights of White Nationalists to express their views truthfully and honestly in an air and spirit of Freedom as opposed to New World Order tyranny.
FATE is a site that will carry news of any person being persecuted or victimised because of their beliefs in speaking the truth about amongst many things - race, heritage, free speech, historical revisionism and other related matters...
Hendrik Mabus has been transferred to a new prison and has a new address. His new address is:
Hendrik Mabus
Im Stemker 4
99958 Tonna
He welcomes all supportive correspondence. Please remember he cannot
receive publications from individuals; he can only receive personal letters.
Those with access to German postal stamps should include them in their
This address is now on the HendrikMoebus.com web site.
Thank you.
Notifying Visitors of Site Enhancements
New enhancements on the way!
Visit Aryan Unity Site
This site is for all freedom loving individuals!
You do not have to be a White Nationalist to support this site. We welcome the views and support of everybody who cherishes the precious rights of freedom of speech, thought and action. E-mail us with your thoughts, ideas and articles.... |

Ian Stuart R.I.P at Skrewdriver concert
Article 19
The United Nations' Universal Declaration of Human Rights
"Everyone has the right to freedom of opinion and expression; this right includes freedom to hold opinions without interference and to seek, receive and impart information and ideas through any media and regardless of frontiers".
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