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Free Marcus Bischoff

Polish Patriot arrested

The Webmaster
The Webmaster of this site has been concerned with the battle for free speech for over three decades. He has seen Race Laws and Public Order laws of all descriptions being brought in throughout the world all dedicated to destroying our rights to speak the truth. Indeed in Great Britain things are now so bad that a legal ruling on a race case brought a comment from the judge "the truth is no defence"!!!
Such is the perilous state we have come to where to speak the truth and even have a court admit this is still NO DEFENCE in law!

The Webmaster will continue to fight for the ideals that FATE represents through this site and through a series of regular bulletins.

The History or Story Behind this Site
The need to produce the FATE site was spurred on by the proposed draconian new draft proposals effectively criminalising any and every discussion of the issue of race, culture and heritage and also on aspects of historical revionism. We hope (December 2001) that common sense will prevail and these atrocious proposals will be defeated. However we shall continue to campaign for the overthrow of such laws throughout the world.

Contact Webmaster!
The Webmaster is a dedicated White Nationalist concerned particularly with the issues of freedom of speech. You can e-mail him anytime at:-

Email FATE!

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