Leading Polish singer arrested!
Marius from HONOR Arrested
1-23-02 Police arrest Marius the Singer for Honor . Sources say "It looks
like they had been informed by somebody, where to find him, because he lives
in hired flat, and they knew exactly where to go...they were standind
outside the door and waiting for his daughter, which is going to school 7:30
am each day. He has always been very careful, and never opened the door to
anybody whom he didn't know."
They found and seized a lot of different Honor items , they also found a lot of CDs, tapes, and video tapes with concerts recordings...but the worst thing is that they took HDD from his computer...
His wife is in touch with the lawyer, and he has prepared a letter to the
judge about the bail, next week we should know if it'll be possible.
A friend and comrade is in trouble, and needs our help! The frontman of the
leading Polish pro-White band “Honor†has recently been arrested in Poland. Szczery is a dedicated, caring and friendly man. He would stick his neck out to help any one of us, and now we must help him!
Szczery now sits behind the bars of a Polish prison solely for his beliefs.
Article 19 of the United Nations Universal Declaration of Human Rights clearly states: “Everyone has the right to freedom of opinion and expression; this right includes freedom to hold opinions without interference and to seek, receive and impart information and ideas through any media and regardless of frontiers.†Poland, and many other European countries (who are all members of the UN), don’t seem to get the point. And so Szczery, for his opinions, is behind!
I am organizing a defense fund to help bail Szczery out of jail, and fund
his defense. We need about for bail alone. Please do Your part to help one of our comrades! Even a lousy buck helps...it all adds up! Please send as much as You can to help Szczery out,
even if it’s just that lousy dollar.
The Marines say: never leave a man behind. This is indeed the camaraderie
our movement needs in order to triumph. So don’t leave a comrade behind! Help
us out! I am providing the address of the defense fund. Please send a money order, or well-concealed cash. I will forward all money I receive to Poland.
Strong Survive
PO Box 615
Park Ridge, IL 60068 USA
Or Use PAY PAL with this address: strongsurvive_usa@hotmail.com
Jacek Konczyk
44 - 120 PYSKOWICE
ul.Szopena 12/2/13
Thank You for Your help!
Hail Victory!