Join the international campaign:
"Freedom for Marcus Bischoff"
The German authorities have been made everything they can to destroy this man's life. Besides being convicted for political reasons, at this moment his own life is in danger. Bischoff suffers from a very serious liver disease. Even if he uses a recent treatment for his health problem, the chances for survival are only of 29%!!!
However, the authorities are aware of this fact and are trying to eliminate him in a discrete and "democratic" way. They have been using the most diverse stratagem so that he doesn't leave jail and don't have access to the treatments that can save him. Although he has been put into freedom at the 2nd of December 97, Bischoff was immediately charged of several crimes and arrested again in January 98. Crimes that have been proved in trial to have no real basis.
But meanwhile Marcus Bischoff is still in jail, was forced to spend four months in the worst area of Tegel's jail, subjected to the terrible conditions there and he's not even allowed to have temporary exits, which even the worst criminals have a right to. Since the 7th August 98 that Bischoff can't phone, his mail is regularly delivered to him with one to two months in delay (sometimes it even "disappear") and his health is getting deteriorate very quickly... maybe without remedy!
Here it is shown how is possible to condemn someone to death penalty in this Europe of today, defender of human rights all over the world!
Let us then stop this crime now and do everything we can so the German authorities realise they can not destroy a man's life which only delict was and is the one of staying true to his National Socialist ideals. Let us make it very clear that...
Bischoff is not alone! ! !
Send him a postcard every week, showing him he can count with the unconditional support of every Nationalists and decent people of your country! Some of these letters may not even reach him, but nevertheless they are very important, because they are a very visible and impressive answer to the barbarian way Bischoff has been treated by the judicial German system. Write to:
Alt.-Moabit 12a, 10559 Berlim, Germany.
For more information please get in contact with:
Justice & Freedom, Apartado 14.121, 1064 Lisboa Codex, Portugal.

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